
Stop wasting time and let Tunen do the work!


Farming tools just got smarter. A lot. Tunen keeps learning about your farm.


Onboarding employees and maximizing their potential in farm management was never easier.


Chat your way to better farm management.


Farming happens outside, so should your tools. Our solutions are mobile-first!

Your personal assistant, right at your fingertips.

Ditch the paperwork. Communicate with your Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered assistant via chat, voice, or image.

AI revolutionises interaction on farms

AI powered Co-Pilot for Voice and Chat Control

Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Co-Pilot enables full voice and chat control for all agricultural processes in arable farming. Whether it's documentation, notes, or inventory management - the Co-Pilot automatically recognizes what is needed. Through targeted questions and precise processing, it supports every employee in correctly capturing the information.

Precise Notes: Clarity Through Images and Geolocation

Our specialized notes offer farmers a simple way to capture thoughts precisely. With features such as image capture, geolocation, and field mapping, notes can be categorized accurately and are easy for employees to understand and clearly assign. This ensures that important information remains clear, concise, and accessible to all relevant parties

AI revolutionises interaction on farms
AI revolutionises interaction on farms

Streamline Your Farm with Automated Inventory

Experience a new level of convenience with our easy-to-use inventory management system. Automate your tasks and enjoy instant access to accurate data. Say goodbye to manual data entry and hello to a more efficient farm

Digital Field Record: Transparent and Easy Export

Our digital field record provides farmers with a clear overview of all field information. All relevant data is accessible at a glance and can be retrieved from anywhere. The system is interactive and integrates seamlessly with the Co-Pilot and the rest of the system for smooth documentation and management. The Excel export allows for easy and complete data processing.

AI revolutionises interaction on farms